FinanceInsight Portal

FinanceInsight Portal is a financial analytics platform catering to professionals. Our user research team gathered insights to understand the specific needs and pain points of financial analysts, informing the platform's features.


The FinanceInsight Portal project involved a meticulous exploration of the unique needs and challenges faced by financial analysts. Our user research team aimed to provide valuable insights to shape the features and functionalities of this specialized financial analytics platform.

Target Audience Profiling

2.1 Persona Development:

Created detailed personas representing the diverse roles and responsibilities within the financial analysis field.

2.2 Task Analysis:

Conducted task analysis to understand the step-by-step processes involved in financial analysis.

Key Findings

  • 3.1 Data Visualization Preferences:Analysts expressed a preference for customizable data visualization options.
  • 3.2 Collaboration Tools:Insights revealed a need for collaborative features to enhance team-based financial analysis.

Implementation Recommendations

"The user research conducted for FinanceInsight Portal has provided invaluable insights, ensuring that the platform is tailored to the unique needs of financial analysts."
November 20, 2023
Conduct user research for a financial analytics portal catering to professionals.
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